2022 – Page 3 – Chakma Autonomous District Council (2024)

Kamalanagar, 17 June, 2022: Dg. Kali Kumar Tongchangya, MDC who was the lone contestant for the post of Chairman, CADC notified yesterday for filing of nomination was declared elected uncontested in a Session of the councilors held today in the CADC Session Hall.

The election of the Chairman was necessitated with the office falling vacant due to resignation tendered by Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma, the outgoing Chairman who was later appointed as Chief Executive Member.

Dg. Kali Kumar Tongchangya was elected from 18-Fultuli MDC Constituency who has contested with INC ticket but later in the mid of the term joined the MNF party. This will be his second stint as Chairman of CADC. He also held the office of Chief Executive Members twice. The current term is his fifth term as MDC in which he had been declared elected uncontested.

Kamalanagar, 17 June, 2022: The first phase of 3-days “Gurushala based Teachers’ Training” is underway within Chawngte RD Block organised by Education Department, CADC at Public school, Kamalanagar. The training which started yesterday was attended by some 67 teachers from schools around Kamalanagar Town area namely Govt. Comph. Middle School, Kamalanagar Public School, RCM Comph. Middle School and KMM Comph. Middle School.

Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma, Hon’ble CEM, CADC and Dr. Manesia Khaimeichho, SDO (Civil), Chawngte graced the inaugural session of the programme held at Public School, Kamalanagar as the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively.

The programme was also attended by the two Education Officers of CADC. Eight master trainers were engaged to conduct the training.

Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma in his speech encouraged the Master Trainers and Teacher Trainees to carry forward this noble programme of the government for capacity building and stated that teachers are more valuable than parents. Despite financial constraint, he approved a sum of Rs 21,000/- to conduct the training. He was quite optimistic that the society can be changed with the help of the teachers. He appealed all the teachers to get actively involved in building the society.

Dr. Manesia Khaimeichho, SDO(Civil) also stated that teachers are very important and has a huge responsibility in building a society. He also opined that teacher can help the youths not to get involved in anti-social activities if properly guided.

No.C.11011/3/2020-SDO (C)/CWTE

Dated Chawngte the 10th June, 2022


Whereas, it has been made aware to the undersigned of the pervasiveness of teer gambling across Chawngte Sub-Division. Gambling, once considered to be associated with stigma and vice, is now generally perceived as a harmless adult entertainment and has become mainstream in our society. With increased exposure to, and availability of unregulated forms of gambling, more youth are succumbing to the temptation and pressure to engage in these activities. Serious gambling habits undermine the future development, academic life and, career. The effect on social, financial and emotional life can be devastating and spill over into all other areas.

Now, therefore, I, Dr. Manesia Khaimeichho, MCS, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Chawngte, in exercise of power conferred on me under section 133 (1)(b) CrPC, do hereby order to stop buying and selling of “teer” in Chawngte Sub-Division.

This order shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force until and unless revoked. Violation of this order shall make one liable to punishment under Sec. 188 CrPC.

Given under my hand and seal of this office this 10th day of June 2022.

Sub-Divisional Magistrate Chawngte

Kamalanagar, 09 June, 2022: Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma who resigned from the office of Chairman, CADC last month was sworn-in today as the new Chief Executive Member of Chakma Autonomous District Council in a programme organized in the premises of CADC Rest House, Kamalanagar. Deputy Commissioner, Lawngtlai Shri Amol Srivastava, IAS administered the oath of office and secrecy.

The development is as a result of Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma being removed from the office of CEM in a no-confidence motion moved during the first sitting of the CADC Budget Session held on the 9th day of last month.

The Governor initially reserved the appointment of Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma as CEM while recommending imposition of Governor’s rule in CADC which was not approved by the Council of Minister, Mizoram Government.

Addressing the gathering in the programme he dismissed speculation by many regarding the frequent change in leadership as due to in fighting within the party. He asserted that all the twenty MDCs of CADC all of whom are MNF will work unitedly for development.

He emphasized, “Development will be elusive if we keep ourselves busy abusing each other”.

While stating that the new generation of youths who are coming out with academic degrees are giving less value to the moral aspect of personal development, he has announced that schools under CADC will introduce classes on moral development every Friday to fulfill this gap.

“The Executive Committee under my leadership will be open to constructive criticism and will welcome suggestions for corrective measures at any point of time”.

He said, “Dictator style of governance will find no place under my leadership”.

“All decisions taken by my predecessors including various appointments will be honoured”, he added.

The new CEM attributed the lack of development in CADC to paucity of fund in CADC’s budget and has assured to take up the issue with the state government and enhance the allocation against work component head of the budget.

Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma is the fifth CEM of this term (2018-2023) who has succeeded Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma, the outgoing CEM.

Dg. Shanti Jiban Chakma who won with a BJP ticket became the first CEM of this term after the general election held in April 2018 threw a fractured mandate with MNF winning 8 seats, INC 7 seats and BJP 5 seats in a contest over 20 seats. The Executive Committee formed by coalition between the BJP and the INC lasted for about 8 months after which the MNF formed the Executive Committee led by Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma with the support of 4 MDCs from INC. Again, in March 2021 after about two years and two months change of guard happened with Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma resigning from the office of CEM paving way for Dg. Durjya Dhan Chakma. Dg. Durjya Dhan Chakma remained in office for about 6 months to be succeeded by Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma again. Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma remained in office in his second stint for about 7 months before this development set in.

Dg. Buddha Lila Chakma has served as CEM in the previous term and held the post of Chairman twice during the current term.

Kamalanagar, 24 May, 2022: In an unfortunate, tragic and gruesome incident of an unprovoked attack that took place last night at Kamalanagar-II an innocent life was lost while Dgb. Kusum Lota Chakma, MDC sustained severe injuries. The deceased person identified to be Dg. Rajiv Chakma (Osit Baran), a resident of Kamalanagar-II was brutally attacked and stabbed with a knife causing multiple injuries leading to his death.

The incident took place last night at around 9 pm. The assailant identified as B. Ushaton Chakma (Tatamoni) from the same locality took to indiscriminate attack, brandishing a knife. Dgb. Kusum Lota Chakma, a neighbour of the assailant who was at her leisure in front of her house at the time of the incident was the first person to be attacked. Fearing danger to life the matter was reported to the local Branch YCA by the brother of the assailant for help. Dg. Rajiv Chakma who reached the spot before other members of the YCA could reach became the target of the assailant and lost his life on the spot.

The assailant was later taken into police custody and the matter is still under police investigation. What exactly triggered such behaviour in the assailant is still to be ascertained.

The body of the deceased was taken to Lawngtlai for postmortem.

Kamalanagar, 23 May, 2022: As many as 407 candidates appeared the Chakma language proficiency examination conducted today by District School Education Board at Kamalanagar Public School, Govt. Comprehensive Middle school, Kamalanagar and KMM Comprehensive Middle School, Kamalanagar. Dg. Molin Kumar Chakma, President, DSEB accompanied by Dg. Roymanikyo Chakma, Secretary, DSEB, Dgb. Mandira Chakma, Sr. Academic Officer, DSEB visited the three examination centres today.

This is the sixth such training cum examination on Chakma Language Proficiency held. Earlier, it was conducted in the years 2003, 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2019.

Chakma language as a subject is taught in all the schools under Chakma Autonomous District Council. Learning of the subject was introduced in the year 1994 and is now taught till class-VIII standard.

All successful candidates appearing the examination will get certificates qualifying them to teach the subject in schools. The examination was preceded by a 4-Day session of training w.e.f 18th May till 21st May for all the candidates. Eight instructors were engaged for the training.

Kamalanagar, 09 May, 2022: Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma the incumbent Chief Executive Member, Chakma Autonomous District Council was today removed from the office of Chief Executive Member in a motion of no-confidence moved in the first sitting of the Budget Session. The motion was moved by Dg. Kali Kumar Tongchangya, MDC, CADC.

This was the second stint as CEM for Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma in this term. This time he has been removed from the office by a no-confidence motion. In the earlier instance he had tendered his resignation.

The motion was moved soon after the session began at 10:30 am and the Chairman adjourned the session till 1 pm. Discussion and voting on the motion was held in the second sitting of the session and Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma lost by 13 Members voting in favour of the motion. Six members including Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma remained absent from the session. This term has witnessed four CEMs so far.

The session was chaired by Dg. Buddhalila Chakma, Chairman, CADC.

Kamalanagar, 04 May, 2022: Oil palm farmers from around Kamalanagar town area were distributed tools and implements in a programme organized by ICAR – Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi and Department of Agriculture, Mizoram at CADC Rest House Conference Hall.

Pu R. Vanlalchhuanga, Dy. Director, Agriculture Department, Mizoram Government, Dr. Ravi Chandran G., Scientist, ICAR, Dr. Somasundaram G., Scientist, ICAR and Mr. Tapas Kumar Tripathy, Mizoram State Head, Ruchi Soya attended the programme as resource persons.

The programme is first of its kind attended by scientists from ICAR – Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi. Three villages from Mizoram namely Kamalanagar-II, Bungtlang South and Marpara South have been selected for this programme.

The resource persons have stated that the oil palm farmers in Mizoram have been facing problem with selling of their produce due to lack of road communication in many parts of the state which they said will be addressed at the earliest.

The farmers were encouraged to share their problems and needs so that they can be addressed.

It has been said that number of collection centres will be increased and a factory will be set up here in CADC area as the central government have launch a new Mission on Oil Palm known as the National Mission on Edible Oils – Oil Palm (NMEO-OP) with special focus on the north east region.

The farmers were distributed tools for pruning and harvesting which cost more than Rs.7000 and motorized grass cutter for weeding which costs Rs.22,000. The farmers demanded for supply of fertilizers and PVC pipes for irrigation.

The resource persons have said that in the coming days training and workshops will be arranged for the benefit of the farmers.

Kamalanagar, 30 April, 2022: Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma, Chief Executive Member, Chakma Autonomous District Council today unveiled the statue of Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar to commemorate the occasion of CADC Golden Jubilee installed in the premises of New CADC Secretariat Complex.

The programme organized by CADC Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee was attended by the Executive Members, MDCs, officers of CADC among others.

While explaining the significance of installing the statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma stated that it was to express gratitude to the man who have provisioned the Sixth Schedule of the constitution of India under which Chakma Autonomous District Council came into being with many other Autonomous District Councils for the tribals inhabiting the many excluded and partially excluded areas of northeast India.

“It is also to inspire suppressed communities like us to struggle in life and rise above to fight back for our rights and dignity. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s life itself is an epitome of struggle of a disadvantaged man to success and fighting for the rights of the suppressed”, he stated while adding, “Our children, the children of a suppressed community shall be inspired by the life of Babasaheb to overcome their disadvantaged condition and rise to secure their rights and of their community”.

He further added, “It is also in recognition of his contribution to the revival of Buddhism in India which have been wiped off for centuries from the land of its origin”.

While recognizing the role of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India the CEM stated that it would not have been easy for Dr. B.R. Ambedkar alone had it not been for James Joy Mohan Nichols Roy who had persistently pushed for retention of the Sixth Schedule despite vociferous resistant against from many sections in the Constituent Assembly, in the backdrop of proposal for assimilation of the tribals.

It was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who have drawn a parallel of the tribals of Northeast India with that of American Red Indians to back the provisioning of the Sixth Schedule in the Indian Constitution. The American Red Indians in United States enjoyed autonomy under so called Reservation or Boundaries.

Talking in detail about how the Sixth Schedule found its place in the scheme of the Indian Constitution he stated that the Indian federation basically originated from provinces fully administered by the British, the partially independent princely states and the excluded and partially excluded areas lived by the tribals of Northeast India. The tribals of Northeast India were not Hinduised unlike tribals of mainland India whose life were more or less influenced by Hinduism. The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India was drafted to provide for special administration for the excluded and partially excluded areas.

He termed the installation of the statue one of the most appropriate and significant actions taken by the CADC Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee to mark the golden jubilee of Chakma Autonomous District Council.

Kamalanagar, 29 April, 2022: Chakma Autonomous District Council today kicked off the celebration of 50 years of CADC’s existence with an inaugural programme organized at Kamalanagar Halipad. Pu Lalrinliana Sailo, Hon’ble Speaker, Mizoram graced the occasion as Chief Guest who arrived from Aizawl this morning accompanied by Pu Lalrinawma, Commissioner & Secretary, Mizoram Legislative Assembly and Pu R. Vanlalsawta, Joint Secretary, District Council & Minority Affairs Department.

Distinguished guests Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma, CEM, CADC, Dg. Nihar Kanti Chakma, MLA, West Tuipui Assembly Constituency, Dr. Buddha Dhan Chakma, MLA, Tuichawng Assembly Constituency, Dg. Buddhalila Chakma, Chairman, CADC have attended the programme.

The celebration started with chanting of prayers by Bhikkhus and release of gas balloon for peace by the Chief Guest. In tribute candles were lighted before the framed photographs of pioneers of CADC autonomy movement and Dgb. Jyotsna Chakma, Member, CADC Golden Jubilee Celebration Committee offered condolences to all the deceased councilors.

The programme showcased the varied aspects of tradition Jhumma life of the Chakmas performed by the Young Chakma Association and Chakma Mahila Samiti in collaboration with Art & Culture Department, CADC which included the different stages of Jhum cultivation, fishing, spinning of thread from cotton and weaving, dragging of a country boat over a shallow rapid and marriage rituals.

The programme also showcased cultural items presented by Chakma Mahila Samiti, Cheraw dance by residents of Saizawh (W) and traditional dance Dailo by the Bru community.

Pu Lalrinliana Sailo speaking recalled how the venue of the programme, the Kamalanagar Helipad was once not like this but had three hillocks which were flattened to form a flat piece of land in which he took part while urging the three main communities living in CADC to live and mingle in harmony like the three hillocks.

He urged the YCA to work for the progress and development of CADC and to stand guard to check corruption and ensure proper utilization of developmental fund.
He donated Rs.50,000 and Rs.40,000 to the Young Chakma Association and Chakma Mahila Samiti respectively in recognition of their social service.

The CEM, CADC while speaking of the great sacrifice and pain endured by the pioneers of CADC autonomy movement narrated in detail how the leaders like Dg. Kristo Mohan Chakma, Dg. Hari Kristo Chakma, Dg. Gaur Nitai Chakma, Dg. Baneshwar Chakma and Dg. Atul Chandra Chakma maintained a sustained demand for autonomy for the Chakmas of Mizoram through constitutional means by making trip after trip to Shillong and Guwahati despite the wretched condition of the Chakma community then.

“It is our duty that we make ourselves worthy of the great sacrifice made and the legacy left upon us”, he emphasized.

“The Chakma Autonomous District Council has restored partially the Chakmas their right to self-determination which was once enjoyed by them prior to the British subjugating the Chakma king by treachery”, he stated while adding, “None of us should harbour even by a trace that any favour has been done on us by having been granted the autonomy in the form of CADC, as such thinking can take toll upon our morale and dignity”.

He further added, “It is our natural right and all princely states existing during the time of India’s Independence were granted the choice for self-determination”. The programme can be viewed here.

The celebration will continue in the evening with a cultural programme scheduled.

2022 – Page 3 – Chakma Autonomous District Council (2024)
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